Latina Coach and speaker helping first-generation Latinas Decolonize Wealth and become Financially Free.

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Meet Luzy


I am passionate about teaching you the money game that is not taught in school or at home. 

I grew up low income and saw education as a way to gain upward mobility, and just like you, I was taught to work mentally and physically hard for money. 

In 2019, I left my dream career after being told that my pregnancy was a "problem" for the company.  Then when the pandemic hit and saw how many First-Gen Latinas were let go fo the workforce without having a $500.00 emergency fund, I knew I needed to take action.  This is how Say Hola Wealth was created. 

I want to help you create your dream life while helping you create impact.

Let's build wealth juntas.


A Group Coaching Program for ambitious first-generation Latinas.

Money Mindset, Income Increase, and Investing. 

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Private Business for the ambitious first-gen Latina ready to create add another income stream through coaching or consulting


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Welcome to The Say Hola Wealth Podcast! 

The only podcast that talks about building wealth through a holistic lens as a first-gen Latina.

Every Tuesday, Luzy talks about money mindset, investing, and entrepreneurship.

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